How do I find work as a PADI Divemaster?

Once you have completed your PADI Divemaster Course with us, you’ll be fully ready to start your dive professional career as a PADI Divemaster. Finding work can be a bit daunting, but at Dive Pro Career, we can offer support and advice in finding work, especially from our contacts of dive shops /resorts around South East Asia. 

You’ll also have access to the PADI Pro site upon qualification where you can upload your CV, search for jobs and look for upcoming work in any location of the world you wish. 

On top of this, we also like to keep our PADI Divemaster candidates for a while after qualifying to work at our dive shop. This will enable you to gain more work experience and contacts that may help you down the line of your career. Also if you are interested in becoming a PADI Dive Instructor, we also offer contacts to recommended IDC centres in the Philippines.